
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Give Me Your Eyes

“For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” - 1 Samuel 16: 7

Self-confidence is something I lacked most of my high school life. I was the awkward girl who wore band shirts, long shorts, and didn't even dare to put on make-up. I dated a boy, who constantly broke-up with me for other girls, and made me feel like I didn't deserve to be loved. This was all before I met God.

After high school, I decided to attend Elmira College (three hours away from home). This was a huge step for me. At first I missed my family and all the comforts of home, but after the first few weeks I began to transform. I met new people, became more social, and actually started to be comfortable with who I am. While my first year at college helped me "blossom", it was my second year at college that truly changed my life forever.

My sophomore year was unlike any other, I chose to attend church for the very first time. At first I felt like that awkward high school girl again. I didn't know the Lord's prayer, I didn't know any Sunday school songs, I didn't even know where I should sit. But as the service went on I felt more and more at peace. I realized that attending church isn't about knowing everything, it's about learning about God and praising Him. Each week I kept coming back to church and each week I opened my heart a little more to God. It was a few months later at Youth Councils when I went to the altar and officially gave my heart and my life to God.

Fast forward to this week. I've been thinking a lot about how I see myself and how God sees me. Even though I left that feeling of high school shame behind when I met God, it still creeps up on me every once in a while. This week alone I've tripped over countless sidewalks, poked myself in the eye at least twice, and hit myself in the face while carrying my laptop. It was yesterday, at my fiancé's softball practice when that feeling of "what's the matter with me?" came upon me. I started comparing myself to other people, wishing I was more graceful, and then God stopped me. I thought back to a book I read in Women's Group last year called Shame Lifter: Replacing Your Fears and Tears with Forgiveness, Truth, and Hope by Marilyn Hontz. I remember one part of her book speaking on how God created every part of us. He created the features of our faces, the colors in our eyes, and the hairs on our heads. He gave us each of our talents and our different personalities.

Right then, on the metal bleachers looking out onto the softball field, I closed my eyes and prayed to see myself through God's eyes. Instead of seeing an awkward girl, I saw a woman who is brave, a woman who tries countless things and although does not succeed at all of them, never gives up. I saw a woman who picks herself up when she falls. I saw a woman who gives love and kindness freely to others. Finally, I saw a woman with a heavenly Father who loves her more than she can imagine. Thank you, God.

This week when looking at yourself and the world around you, try to take a look through God's eyes. You'll be amazed how much you see differently.

Check out this video "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath... this song goes perfectly with seeing the world and ourselves through God's eyes.


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