
About Me

Five things to know about me:

1. I love the Lord with all my heart. I want to spend each day living up to the person He made me to be.
2. I have a huge smile.
3. I have my Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Adolescent Education. I love teaching correct grammar and reading life-changing books with high school students.
4. I love Autumn. The smell of Fall, the perfectly chilly weather, the beauty of the leaves changing colors, and of course the endless amounts of apple cider.
5. I am married to my best friend and couldn't be happier. I am so thankful for God's blessings and each and every day He gives us.

Why I am writing this blog:

There are so many ways to express oneself in the world. We have Facebook, Twitter, Skype, emails, text messages, and even just simply using our voices with communicate to others. Yet with limitless means of communication, what are we really putting out there? How are we truly portraying ourselves? Each day I hear so many negative comments and see so many degrading posts on the Internet. I decided today to make a change.

Each Sunday at my church we have a testimony time when we share how God is working in our lives. In a way, this blog is my online testimony. I want to share with everyone what God is doing in my life. I want to share His love and show others that may not know Him that He is here. I hope you will join me, read about my daily journey with God, and share your experiences as well!

"Let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for You in the darkest night"
- Life Light Up