
Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Has Risen!

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! - Luke 24:5-6

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Mary Magdalene to come to the tomb, expecting to anoint Jesus' body, but find the large stone rolled away from the entrance and the tomb empty. To be with Jesus, to love Him so much, to watch Him die on the cross, and then to find His body gone seems like too much for one woman to bear. The most beautiful part of this for me comes next. When Jesus had risen He did not appear before a large crowd or the chief priests. Rather He appeared first before Mary Magdalene who wept outside the tomb for Him. During church today my pastor said something that touched my heart and truly described my Savior. She said that Jesus didn't shout from the rooftops or show up at Pilate's (the man who sentenced Jesus to be crucified) door. Instead He appeared first to a crying woman. That is my Savior.

On this day it is easy to get wrapped up in hiding eggs, filling baskets with candy, and cooking a grand dinner. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with family and gorging myself on chocolate, but don't forget the true reason for this day. Jesus overcame sin and death for us. He is giving us the gift of new life and eternal life with Him. It's so amazing! In a world that tries to bring us down, Jesus wants to lift us up! As I've said, He is giving us the gift of new life, but it is up to us whether we choose to accept His gift.

- Nicole

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Story Doesn't End There...

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16

Lately it feels like giving has lost its oomph. Giving has turned into something we only do on special occasions such as birthdays or holidays. Even then we can feel burdened to pick out a gift that's just right for the recipient. Jesus, on the other hand, gave us a precious and perfect gift: salvation.

Today is Good Friday, the day that Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross and died for our sins. Two years ago, when I experienced my first Good Friday as a Christian I did not understand how Jesus could have died for my sins before I was even born yet. A good friend took the time to explain to me that Jesus lived a life that was free from sin. He came to the world for us, became human for us, loved the unlovable, healed the sick, and died so we can be saved.

That day Jesus took all of our sins on His shoulders and died for us. Through His love, strength, and power He overcame sin. He gave us the ultimate gift, that anyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. I feel so blessed every time I think about Jesus' powerful, unconditional, and everlasting love for me. This is what made me know that Jesus died for me, so I want to live my life for Him. I want to spend every day serving Him and sharing His love and His message. The best part about this story is that it doesn't end there. Jesus didn't just die for us; He came back to life for us! Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, for giving me hope, and for giving me a new way of life that is not ruled by sin.

- Nicole

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ride the Wave

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

As clichĂ© as it might be, I am quickly approaching a crossroads in my life. In forty-eight days I will be graduating from Elmira College. In one hundred and forty-five days I am getting married. I am applying for three Graduate Assistant positions at college, but I won't know if I have a job or a place to live until June. Needless to say, I've been slightly freaking out. I know I am qualified, I deserve a position, and I have immense support from my fiancĂ©, friends, and family. Still with such uncertainty looming in the distance, I can't help but to doubt myself sometimes.

Rewind to last Saturday. I am home for Spring Break and my sister and I decided to see the movie Soul Surfer. Let me begin by saying, if you haven't seen it yet, you need to! It is an inspiring true story about surfer Bethany Hamilton. At age thirteen, Bethany was attacked by a shark, which severed her left arm. Bethany did not let the attack end her dream of surfing. With unbelievable determination and faith in God she went on to become a pro-surfer and inspiration for millions.

One verse that was in the movie that stuck with me was Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." For the past month I've been worrying about my future and trying to figure out a plan, but in that verse God has promised me that he has a plan for my life. I know God will lead me down the path that is best for me. I'm sure I will still experience those moments of uncertainty sometimes because I am human, but I have faith that God will carry me through any situation. Bethany Hamilton's trust in God and courage to overcome a shark attack makes me know that I can make it through graduation and into the real world. I am so thankful I had the chance to see this movie and learn about Bethany's faith with my sister!

To read more about Bethany Hamilton and the movie Soul Surfer check out these websites:

- Nicole